Old Model Boats...
As well as the plans, it would be useful to have scans of instruction leaflets and other inclusions in the original kit. These can often be scanned in one piece.
The box itself is part of the atmosphere of the original model! Here, a simple photograph of the box art - front and sides if appropriate - will do. Make the photo fill the frame!
Any further information about the kit that you may have will also be gratefully received. This is less important for the well-known big companies, but if you have something from a small local company that you want to preserve then as much data as you can remember about the kit, the company, who ran it, for how long and where - all of this can be stored and reproduced on the web.
If you have any queries about what we are doing, or any suggestions about how we could do it better;
don't hesitate to get in touch
Dodgy Geezer me fabricavit. Technical hat-tips - Thank you for the free
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