Old Model Boats...
01.04.13 - Here we have a working demo of the site, with a very few plans. How many more we can get will depend upon yourselves...!
29.11.15 - With the addition of the 63ft Yacht and the Sea Maid we now have quite a few Sterling plans.
11.06.17 - This is now looking to be the main web repository for Stirling plans, thanks to reader G L Girvin
06.01.18 - A few more Stirling plans added to...
22.01.18 - A treat - plans and parts for the Sterling USS Missouri!
16.12.18 - More plans from the defunct Radio Control Modeller are added - mainly hydroplanes...
Dodgy Geezer me fabricavit. Technical hat-tips - Thank you for the free
domain names, and
HTML editor....